Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Conversation with a 2 year old

Here is the conversation Jack and I had today:

Me: We need to go to the store today.

Jack: Why?

M: To get some food.

J: Why?

M: So we can eat.

J: Why?

M: We have to eat to live.

Then I went into the other room to get the grocery ad, and to avoid the neverending "Why?" that seems to come out of Jack's mouth lately. When I came back to the room with Jack,

J: Do you need to or do you want to?

That kid is too funny sometimes. When he tells me he needs something (and it is something he wants, not needs), I tell him that he wants said object; he does not need the object. I guess he is catching on - and correcting his mama!

Here are a couple pictures from last weekend:


Three Against One said...

Gotta love conversations with a two year old! :)

John said...

That's not only hilarious and adorable, but amazingly smart as well!