Friday, May 7, 2010

Jim's Uncle Ed was in town from Texas recently.  We went to Grandma and Grandpa's house for dinner and to visit with Ed.
Jack likes to play games with Grandpa.
We tried to get a family photo, but it was past the kiddos' bedtime, so this is what we got...
Uncle Ed and his newest great-nephew checked each other out.

The other day Patrick was playing and Jack came up to him and asked him what letter he wanted.  Jack was going to bring him that letter from the refrigerator.  Patrick would respond with some sort of babble, maybe "a ba ba ba."  Jack would then say, "I don't know the letter a ba ba ba" and then bring him whatever letter he chose.  Here is a picture of Patrick with some of those letters on him.

Our friends Vinnie and Shanna had a baby girl, Lucy, recently.  The boys and I walked over to see her the other day.  Mom and baby are doing well.
I got to hold the little peanut.  She is tinier than either of our boys ever were.
Jack and Patrick were wearing matching shirts the other day, so I tried to get a picture of them together.  This is the best I could do.  Neither one of them is too excited about posing for Mama.
The weather has been awesome lately.  We have been playing outside a lot.  We've also enjoyed several meals outside.  The other evening I brought the high chair outside and was feeding Patrick while Jack played.  Jack was jumping off his little slide.  At first I told him he shouldn't do that, but then changed my mind and got the camera.  Good parenting skills.  :)
Patrick enjoyed a meal outdoors.
And...more jumping!
Then the boys relaxed in their chairs.
"Here's some grass, Patrick."
"Throw the grass in the air like this."
"I'd rather just chill, Jack."

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

More than once I've said "Don't do that" and then thought twice - burning energy is a good thing. Love the pics in the kiddie lawn chairs.