Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fun at Preschool

We have had two special days at Jack's preschool in the past two weeks.  Last week, Jim got to play some songs for the preschool students.  When the principal introduced Jim, Jack got to go up to the front with his Daddy.

Then, Jack sat down with his class and watched Daddy play some songs.  There was one other Daddy and one Grandpa who performed as well.

Afterwards, Jack's class came up to thank Jim.
Today, I got to go to Jack's preschool for his Mother's Day program.
It was really cute.  The kids sat on their Mommy's lap and sang songs for us.  Then they gave us presents, including a necklace they made which had a bead they made on it.
Then, we had snacks, got our picture taken, and made a frame for the picture.
Afterwards, Jack and I went outside to the Children's Garden to play with a few of his friends.  It was a fun day!

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