Saturday, August 3, 2024

February 2024

In early February, Jim and I went out for dinner and a comedy show.  We sat in the front center, close to the stage.  The show was funny and the comedians didn't tease us too much.  We posed for a picture with them afterwards.
Both Charlie and Patrick represented their classes in the school spelling bee this year.  They both made it through several rounds.
Patrick finished runner up.
Jim was able to join us for Family Lunch Day this year.  The kids chose Culvers.  
One of my favorite things about teaching at the kids' school is getting to play in the 8th grade vs faculty volleyball game.  It is extra special when I get to play against one of my children.
Patrick is in there somewhere.
The 8th graders always wear wacky outfits for the game.
This cutie was supporting me from the stands. She was cheering for both her mom and her brother. 

Maggie celebrated her birthday with a few friends a week after her actual birthday. 
She definitely has her own style!  I love it!
Patrick attended a welcome event at his high school and we saw a family friend.

My running group went out to celebrate Kerry's birthday.
How cute is this igloo?
Charlie played basketball...
...and flag football.  My Dad came to one of Charlie's games.
We celebrated Valentine's Day a day early at school because Valentine's Day was on Ash Wednesday this year.
Maggie rode her bike alongside Jim as he ran on Ash Wednesday. 
Mid-February was a scary time in my family.  My Dad went in for open heart surgery to replace a valve on Valentine's Day (the cardiac cath  the day before showed no blockages so no need to repair anything else).  I went out to the hospital after work and waited with my mom until the surgeon came back to say everything went well and he was in recovery.  We went to see him (he was not yet awake) and then went home for the night.  I planned to be back at the hospital early the next morning to be in the room when the doctors rounded.  When I woke up, I had a text from my mom from the middle of the night asking me to call her. I knew that couldn't be good.  My mom had gotten a call in the middle of the night that my Dad had progressively gotten worse as the night went on. His blood pressure kept dropping. When it reached 30/10, the ICU doctor decided to open him up in the ICU room.  When my mom got to the hospital, there were still bloody instruments on the table and blood on the walls and floor. So scary! Later, that doctor told us he thought they would lose him. My brother Michael got to the hospital early and I came after that.  Dad continued to lose blood throughout the day.  My Dad's sister came. She is a former ICU nurse and we cannot thank her enough for her advice, guidance, and comfort.  After getting 12 units of blood that day, the doctors took him in for another surgery.  It was a super scary day.  I finally called my brother Patrick and told him I thought he should come down. He got on the first plane.  It was so scary.
My Dad was in the ICU for over a week and then moved to a step down unit, and then to rehab.  He finally came home in mid-March.  He has had an amazing recovery and is doing so, so good now!
Our family went to Milwaukee for a weekend.
Jim got to play and sing with his siblings.
Jim and Jack each wore one of Jack's t-shirts.
It was a fun party!

Jack sang along to a few songs.
We got to see cousins!
Even Patrick got up to join the band!
On Sunday, Jim went home for work on Monday and I took the kids to see my brother and his family.  We visited their new building and got to sit on some of the equipment.  Thankfully, no keys were in the vehicles.

My brother Patrick had the kids make paper airplanes in the board room.
The kids took turns flying their paper airplanes from the second story.  Patrick's (my son) airplane went the furthest. 
After dinner, the Patricks played a game of chess. Patrick won. Patrick lost.
Uncle Patrick gave Patrick his high school cross country jacket. Let's hope Patrick runs in the fall!
After visiting Patrick and Ingrid, I took the kids to Madison for an engineering tour.  I had hoped it would be cold so Jack could get a good idea of winter weather in Madison before he makes his college choice.  It was 45 degrees, so not typical of a February day. Oh well!

Jim and Paul played at my parents' church fish fry. My cousin Jack joined them for some songs.
I got to hang with my first and oldest Godson while we listened to the great music. 
We paid off our house and had a special dinner to celebrate!
Many months ago, Jim promised Charlie that we would celebrate paying off the house with cake - Charlie's favorite food.  We picked out this cake from a highly-rated bakery.  Honestly, it was just okay, but we were happy to be celebrating!


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

January 2024

Jim and I bundled up and played pickleball on the first day of the year. We didn't have any trouble finding an open court.
One of my favorite things about winter, is hanging out in the living room (often with a fire in the fireplace) and snuggling under a blanket.  The kids and I had fun playing games one night.

We took a trip to the zoo.  Because it was cold, we did not have to fight any crowds.  Everyone wanted a picture in the frozen chair.

It was good weather for a polar bear sighting.

These guys will climb anything they can.
After a cold day at the zoo it only makes sense to stop for ice cream!
We also stopped to see Grandma the day before her birthday.
Jim and I went to see his friend play music one night and I ran into a running friend. 
Snow Day!

I met my high school friends for dinner. 
Maggie sang with the children's choir in the Christmas concert (in January).

Jim played guitar on some of the songs.
We celebrated Grandma's birthday.
Maggie worked on a Pinewood Derby car.  She did not race the car, but wanted to make one.
Dinner at Imo's with Dad!
We celebrated Maggie's birthday with family.
I found these goofballs outside sliding on the ice.
I accompanied Patrick's class on a field trip to the federal courthouse downtown. They had a tour, listened to several guest speakers, and even got to sit in on a change of plea hearing.

I made cookies for Patrick when he was accepted at his first choice for school.
Congratulations, Patrick!

Patrick's class had a high school acceptance party and I made cookies for all the kids. 
Maggie's birthday was the same day as the high school acceptances came out and the party for the 8th graders, so we had some neighbors over to celebrate her with ice cream cake.
The next morning, Jim took the kids to a chess meet at my grade school.
I flew down to Nashville for a quick trip to celebrate a friend's 50th birthday.  

I sent this picture to my uncommon (and amazing) James at home.

It was so fun celebrating Kerry!
Maggie was excited to use the new light box she got from Uncle Patrick and Aunt Ingrid.