This month has been very busy for the Kelly family. Recently I have found myself not wanting to take pictures because I know I have been negligent with the blog and more pictures would just mean more work when I finally update it. After many hours, I have finished this update. There are lots of pictures, but that's what happens when you wait a month to update.
Here is another visit to our wonderful zoo. Jack likes to try to climb on the goats. Luckily, no goat has retaliated yet.

This one is easier to climb!

Jack, Delaney, and Zoey see how they measure up at the Children's Zoo.

Jack really enjoys baths. Sometimes he complains when we take him out. Here he shows off a cool mohawk.

Recently a neighbor had some work done on her house. There is nothing like a digger to bring the neighborhood boys together.

Jack intently watched the man and machine.

We took Jack on his first airplane ride. We went to Houston where Jim gave a talk at a conference. Jack was great on the plane. He looked out the window the entire take-off and landing.

Jack also experienced his first car ride sans car seat. We took a cab to the Houston Children's Museum one night. Since we wouldn't be taking the same cab back to the hotel, we couldn't bring our car seat with us.

Look at all the cool light switches at the Children's Museum!

Jack drove a cool car.

Weighing fruit is so fun!

One day Jack and I went to a park that was near the hotel. We had a lot of fun on the playground.

Jack went down the tunnel slide all by himself.
Friday night we went to my Aunt Helen and Uncle Ian's for dinner. Here is one of the crabs we ate. My cousin, Johnny, came over too.

Saturday we went to Jim's Aunt Nancy's house. She invited the Houston Kelly clan over for a party. Jack had fun throwing the frisbee with Ellie.
Jim entertained his relatives with his guitar skills and Megan's guitar.

The following weekend, my brother and his family came to St. Louis. We went to a pumpkin farm. Ryan got so hot riding this tractor that he had to take off his shirt.

Papa pushed Adam around on another tractor.

Jack wonders where the steering wheel is on his tractor.

There were a couple tunnels for the kids.

Jack was a brave explorer (with Uncle Michael).

Everyone enjoyed the hayride.

Jack didn't enjoy when the ride was over.

We also took a trip to the zoo. The boys wore the green shirts Nana and Papa gave them.

We stayed with Jim's parents for a week while some work was done on our house. One morning, Grandma and Grandpa took Jack and I to Spencers for breakfast. Jack wore his Spencers shirt that Jim's cousin got him. Look at the cool Mickey Mouse pancakes they made Jack.

Joslyn and I took our boys on a week-long road trip. We left Monday and drove to Des Moines. Tuesday, we went to Minneapolis and spent 2 nights. Thursday we headed to Wisconsin to stay with my brother and his family, and then we came home Friday. It was a lot of time on the road with 3 little guys, but it went really well. The boys were
so good in the car!
Here we are at the Minnesota Valley Nature Reserve. We are about to embark on a half mile hike.

Garrett and Jack take off.

We visited the Children's Museum on Wednesday. Jack got to drive this bus.

Here we are at lunch. Once again the boys impressed me with how well-behaved they were.

Jack and I stayed with my college friend, Summer, and her husband, Reid, on Wednesday. They were worried they didn't have any toys. Who needs toys when you have a dog kennel?

On the way home we stopped at malls in Madison and Bloomington to let the kids run around (it was rainy or else we would have found a playground).
"Go this way Garrett."

Nicholas loved the ATV.

At the mall in Bloomington we met up with my college roommate, Amy, and her boys.

It's nice to be home. Today Jack and I played outside for a bit.