Here are some random pictures from our last couple weeks.
A little over a week ago I was able to go to a high school graduation ceremony for my cousins Rachel and Theresa. Rachel was the valedictorian and gave a great speech! We are so proud of her and Theresa!
Here's a picture of Jack playing with his ABC train puzzle one morning. He's really good at it. He can put it together without any help.
On my birthday, Jack and I went to a picnic put on by an organization to which I belong. There was a balloon artist there! Jack got this cool baseball hat with the baseball attached in front of him, and a bat for swinging. He also got that green alien balloon. I got a blue and green balloon corsage.
That evening, I got to meet baby Molly (the reason I joined facebook). She's so cute!
I took a few pictures of the boys after baths the other night.
On Sunday, we went to Jim's second softball game (he plays in two Sunday leagues). Jack made a friend who was watching her Daddy play.
Patrick looks shy (hiding his face in his Daddy's shirt).
They won!
We went out to dinner after the game, and Jack wanted to wear Daddy's hat.

Things are really good right now, with the exception of Patrick's eating. A little over a month ago (just before he turned 6 months), we started him on "solid" foods. He did well with Gerber rice and oatmeal cereals mixed with breastmilk. The next food we tried was sweet potatoes. He ate a bunch, and then woke up vomiting in the night. Yuck! We offered them to him again after that, but he didn't really want to eat them. One night I mixed his cereal with formula (first time he had it), and he vomited after he went to sleep that night. Another night we introduced avocado, and he vomited again after he was asleep. Basically, he was vomiting each time we gave him a food other than cereal with breastmilk. None of these instances are consecutive nights since I tend to take a night or two (or more) off from feeding solids when this happens. He is otherwise fine, so it is not a virus or stomach bug. I took him to the doctor about 2 weeks ago, after he vomited 6-7 times the night before. We decided to wait a week and try some solid foods again. He did fine with cereal and breastmilk, and then we tried applesauce. He doesn't really want to eat it (or even the cereal now). Tonight I tried to get him to eat some, even though he didn't really want to, and he woke up vomiting again. Poor guy! I don't really know what to do. I am going to call the pediatrician again tomorrow. I don't think it's a food allergy; he doesn't have any spots or show any other signs. If you have any ideas, let me know.
The exciting news here is that Jim takes his oral boards on Wednesday! He has been studying for months and months, and I know he will do great. We will all be happy when he is finished.