In early October (yes, October), I took Patrick and Charlie to visit their cousins in Wisconsin for an extended weekend. Jim and Jack stayed home so Jack could go to school and Jim could work.

He hated it!
All smiles when I was finished!
It was cool, but not cold so we were able to spend a lot of time playing outside. Patrick really liked their tether ball pole.
The sandbox was a hit, too.
Patrick and Charlie played really well together in the sandbox.
We were happy to celebrate Ryan's 9th birthday during our visit.
Lukas, Ryan, and Adam (left to right)
My brother Patrick did some senior picture poses for me. He should know that I'll post it on the internet.
Ryan got some birthday lovin' from his Daddy.

Adam is pretty good on this skateboard thingy. I am pretty sure that is the technical term for it.
Ryan was very excited when he opened his gifts and found this Packers jersey!
Happy 9th birthday, Ryan!