Let's go back in time to the beginning of July when we went to Hilton Head. My parents rented a big house for our family (my parents, 2 of my brothers and their families, and our family). We rented bikes to ride to the beach and the house had its own pool in the backyard. It was awesome! Most mornings we would go to the beach, ride bikes, or do something else as a family. In the afternoon, the littler ones napped and the older ones played in the pool (or played golf). So, I have lots more pictures of Jack in the pool than the others since Patrick and Charlie napped in the afternoon. Jack had taken a few swim lessons before our trip, but the constant exposure to swimming really improved his skills. He could first swim across the pool by himself in Hilton Head. He is quite the little fish.

It was fun to spend time with Uncle Michael and Aunt Kathleen.
Charlie got in the water some, but spent a lot of time watching from the sidelines.
Charlie is too young to ride in a trailer, so Patrick got to ride by himself.
We borrowed this 20" bike for Jack, which prompted a trip to the bike shop for a new, bigger bike when we got home (his bike was only 12").
We went on a dolphin cruise one morning.
This was going to be a great picture of Ingrid until someone stuck his face in front of the lens.
Fine. I'll take a picture of both of you.

The six grandsons wearing the shorts Nana made for them.
Thank you Nana and Papa for a great trip!!!
Jumping into the pool was a favorite activity.
Here is a sequence of four pictures from one particular jump:

Who doesn't like to look at the pictures of themselves after they are taken?
One evening when the guys were playing golf, they stopped by the house (it backed up to the course) and let the kids ride on the golf carts.

Uncle Patrick threw some kids into the pool.