We decided to invite Jack's class (24 kids) to his birthday party this year. We rented a local place with inflatables for the kids to play on and then they would go to a party room for pizza and cupcakes. All we had to do was bring the cupcakes. Perfect. Jack's party was scheduled for 4:00. That morning, less than 10 minutes after Jim left for a 9 mile run, the phone rang. The party place was closing early because we were expecting a snowstorm (we ended up with 12 inches). Ugh. The end of March! Who could predict that? I didn't know what to do. Jim would be gone for over an hour and I needed to make a plan. Cancel? I was told we could reschedule the next weekend, but that was Easter. I called my cousin Colleen and she convinced me we could have the party at our house. When Jim got home, he agreed.
So, with lots of help, we made it happen. Jim took Patrick and Charlie to his parents' house while we got ready, then he went to a couple stores for supplies (remember...I only needed to bring cupcakes and had nothing else prepared). Colleen stopped by my friend Kathleen's house to pick up some games and also managed to make it to 2 stores before they closed early for the storm. Jim, Colleen, Jack, and I cleaned the house and set up activities to entertain 24 kindergarteners for close to 2 hours. I was worried the snow would keep people away, but 17 of the 24 made it! We had a lot of fun.
There was balloon stomp:
Freeze dance:
Pin the Tail on the Donkey:
There were a few other games, too. The best activity was the pinata:
Even Patrick got a turn.
So excited for CANDY!!!
Finally, we had pizza, fruit kabobs, and cupcakes.
Happy birthday, Jack! It was memorable!