I had two fun opportunities to hang out with my college roommate and her family this summer! At the end of June, they came down to stay with us for the weekend. We had lots of fun, but I didn't even get my camera out until Sunday afternoon, shortly before they were leaving.

Someone needs to tell these kids that it is not okay to drink from the slip n slide!
I LOVE this family and we were so glad they could come stay with us. Part of the reason we picked this particular weekend was that the Dads were going to take their 6 year olds to the Cardinals game on Sunday. It was a 1:15 game, which would be perfect. Well, ESPN picked up the game, which resulted in the start time changing to 7:15. Then, just before the start of the game a huge storm rolled in. After about two hours at the stadium, the dads decided to leave (it was late and the game hadn't even started yet). Bummer! Good thing the rest of the weekend was a success!
We stayed with Amy's parents. They have lots of room to accommodate us! On the morning of the 4th, the boys entertained us with some patriotic songs on the piano. Well, maybe they just banged on the keys, but I like to pretend they were playing some patriotic music.
We went to a nearby town for their parade.
This parade was a little different from most we've seen. First, only one float gave candy to the kids. I thought this was great! Secondly, some of the floats "attacked" the crowd, as you can see here by the Boy Scouts shooting the crowd with water guns. It was a pretty hot day and the water was much appreciated.
One of Bo's (Amy's 6 year old) favorite things is to make bow and arrows. Jack thought this was fantastic! They spent a lot of time making bows out of sticks and string and shooting arrows (sticks) in their backyard.
Patrick (and Charlie) enjoyed playing in the water and bounce house.
These two are about a month apart in age and get along so well! Once again, I didn't take many pictures, but we had a fabulous time!