One day on Kauai we drove to Waimea Canyon. We stopped at several lookouts and saw beautiful scenery.
My brother Michael and his wife Kathleen:
Our nephew Ryan:
My parents (aka Nana and Papa):
The hats were a must in the extreme heat (yes, I realize Jack isn't wearing his at the moment).
Did I mention the amazing views?
My brother Patrick with his family:
We were all awed by the views.
This is what our Irish family looks like before we go to the beach. We all wear swim shirts and slather on the sunscreen.
The following pictures are from my brother's waterproof camera. The waves at Poipu Beach were so fun! Here are my brothers Patrick and David right before being hit by a huge wave.
My Godson Adam loved to ride the big waves!
Jack would play all day in the waves if we let him.
Charlie was smart to hold Dad and Nana's hands in the ocean.
I love this picture of a wave crashing into us as Jim holds me.
My brother Patrick body surfing:
Thumbs up for Hawaii!
Jumping over waves:
Patrick had to keep his chin dry since he had stitches in it. He spent a lot of time playing in the sand. He did a great job keeping it dry.
This beach babe was cute even if she didn't match!