I LOVE summer! I love having the kids home from school and the opportunity to have fun as a family!
Patrick's class had an end-of-the-year show for us as they graduated from preschool. It was very cute!

We packed a lot into the first week of summer break. Since swim team practice didn't start until the following week, we were able to go all around town. First stop: Science Center.
Another day that week, we went to the zoo.
If I had another adult with me, I would have asked him/her to hold Maggie in the fourth hole.
Maggie loved going down the slide with her brothers.
On the weekend, we rode bikes to Grant's Farm! The tram ride was very fun!
Maggie was not a fan of being thrown in the air by her Dad.
We also took the kids to a Cardinals game! It was a fun-filled first week of summer (although it didn't feel like summer by the end of the week)!
The next week I took the three youngest to the Science Center while Jack went to baseball camp nearby.
Jack's first grade teacher got married this summer. She invited all her former students to the wedding. The boys and girls looked so cute and were really honored to be there. Here is a picture of Jack and two of his friends as the bride and groom had their first kiss!
Swim team started. Jack swam freestyle and backstroke this year.
Jack played baseball against his second cousin (my cousin's son) one day!
In June I was fortunate to go to Colorado for my good friend Kathryn's bachelorette party. We rented a cabin in Breckenridge and had a blast!
On Saturday morning, we went on a hike in the mountains.
The water level was pretty high!
There was snow on the ground! So, of course, we made snow angels!
It was a beautiful hike!
While I was in Colorado, Dad was in charge at home!
I loved getting picture texts of my five favorite people when I was away!
When I came home from Colorado, I had to take the kids back to the zoo. The zoo got a new polar bear exhibit that opened a few days after we visited the last time. It is a pretty cool exhibit (although I don't have any pictures here). At the insectarium, a butterfly landed on Charlie and would not fly away. We had to have a zoo employee get it off his shirt since they don't want visitors to touch the butterflies.
Maggie was not so excited about getting her picture taken inside a hippopotamus.
She got to go down the slide by herself!
Everyone loves to ride the train!
We found our brick with their names on it at the zoo!