In February we went up to Milwaukee for Jim's sister's annual WAO party. We went up a day early and were able to visit with my friend Sue who recently moved there.

The kids had a lot of fun and still talk about it.
Patrick was happy to shoot baskets.
Afterwards, we went back to Sue and Frank's house for lunch. Here is the whole crew.
We also had a chance to see our nephew Colin play hockey. We were impressed!
The Kelly siblings pre-party:
I got the opportunity to go to one of Jack's basketball games alone, and therefore was able to take some pictures.
In late February we had an absolutely gorgeous day! Jim was working so I took the kids on a hike.
Charlie pretending to be the Lorax:
Goofballs on a toad:
Jim met us on his way home from work!
Exactly THREE days later Jim took the boys sledding!!!
A few random Maggie-Charlie snuggles: