April started out with Easter. Jim had to work Easter morning, but we didn't make the kids wait to hunt for eggs until he came home (like we made them wait to open Christmas presents until he came home from work a few months earlier).
They were waiting at the top of the steps before they could come down to get their Easter baskets.
We went to Jim's brother's house for brunch. The older cousins made an Easter egg hunt for our kiddos.
We went to my parents' house for dinner. Maggie and Meara wore their matching Nana-made dresses.
The day after Easter was our anniversary. We had a babysitter so we could go to our fostering class (that might be a whole other post some day), so we were able to grab a drink and play a game of pool afterward to celebrate 13 years of wedded bliss. :)
This munchkin accompanied me to the polls and we played at the playground afterward.
My world traveling godson stopped by for a visit one afternoon. He helped Maggie make a basket!
Jim and I were able to enjoy a night out with some live music.
Jack had a few friends over to belatedly celebrate his birthday with a sleepover.
Jim and Maggie went to their first Daddy-Daughter Dance. Maggie absolutely LOVED everything about it. She cannot wait to do it again!
I was able to meet up with Patrick's reach class at their field trip to the zoo. Patrick and this bear made a connection.
A butterfly landed on Maggie's skirt.
The zoo employee removed it for us.
Patrick played catcher in a baseball game.
Date night!
Our strawberry-loving four year old:
Jim had a day off and it coincided with one of the days Maggie was not in school, so we went out to lunch. Jim taught her to arm wrestle.
We took Maggie to the playground by our old house where we went countless times with her older brothers.
Patrick, Charlie, and I went to Mom Prom. It was the first, and possibly only, Mom Prom at their school. Jack was on a camping trip and didn't get to join us.
Such handsome guys!
They chose Steak n' Shake for our pre-dance dinner.
The dance was fun!
Charlie's favorite part was all the sweets! Here he is eating two suckers at once.
Jim's high school celebrated their 200th anniversary and we were there to celebrate with them.
The kids got to play knockout in the gym.
Patrick was competing with boys twice his size (he's pictured in the royal blue hoodie).
Jim's band was the main entertainment for the evening!
On one of the days Maggie doesn't go to school we went swimming inside with Nana and Rory.
Jim has been a den leader for Patrick's Cub Scout den.
Spring Festival is one of our children's most favorite days of the year.
Jim and his band (one of them anyway) wowed the crowd with their tunes.