Jack's favorite toy at his cousins' house is probably the vacuum. I would like to say he is so interested in it because he sees Mommy using it
all the time, but it's not true. The vacuum is the first thing he plays with each morning when he wakes up.

Today, we went to an amusement park in Green Bay. It was great. There is no admission, parking is free, and each ride is either $.25 or $.50.
First, we went on the carousel. Jack rode an antelope. You'll notice all the boys have on the matching green shirts that Nana got them.

The carousel had mostly horses on it, but there was one dog. No other animals had names on them, but this dog was named. Why does everyone have to name their dog "Molly"? Even Jack was upset by this.

Next we rode the train. It went surprisingly fast. Everyone enjoyed it.

Then the boys went on a few more rides. Jack did not want to go on any of them. They were only for little kids so I couldn't ride with him. Here are Ryan and Adam riding planes and shooting each other.

Jack tried this race car ride, but I had the lady stop it because he started crying.

There was a fun playground to play on after lunch. Jack enjoyed crawling through this tunnel.

Jack and I sat on one side of the teeter-totter with Ryan and Adam on the other side.

Nana and I with all her grandchildren. That's the bay behind us.

Lastly, we went down this very tall slide. We sat on burlap sacks. I had Jack in my lap (we are on the left) and Nana had Ryan in her lap (they're on the right). It was fast, steep, and fun! After Jack and I rode it twice, I noticed that children under two are not allowed. Oops! Jack loved it! Aunt Ingrid took pictures the first time we went down. The second time, I took the camera with me, pointed it at Jack as best I could, and took a video. It's down below.

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