Here are a few images from my CT scans showing my fractures. The first six are "axial" sections oriented so that my face is on top, back of my head is on bottom, my right side is on the left of the image, and my left side is on the right of the image.
This right parasymphyseal mandibular fracture extends between a couple of teeth (no teeth lost--yet!):

I also have a comminuted (multi-part) fracture of the left subcondylar mandible:

Multiple fractures involving the maxillary sinuses: The alveolar ridge and hard palate were intact.

Deviated nasal septum; blood in the maxillary sinuses:

Small fractures of the anterior ethmoids, which extended into the frontal sinuses:

These next couple of images are "coronal" images, oriented just as if I were looking at you. This one better shows the fractures of my ethmoid air cells (right across the bridge of my nose):

Pterygoid plate fractures: There should be 2 nice, upside-down "V"-shaped bones near the middle of the image.

Here are some 3D reconstructions. The first one shows the fracture across the bridge of my nose, the right maxillary fracture (which extends into the inferior rim of my eye socket), and the right mandibular fracture:

This one shows the left mandibular fracture, left maxillary fracture, and fracture across my nasal bridge:
The 3d images are quite creepy
Jim - I have no idea what any of that stuff means, but we are so glad you are doing okay (you may disagree, I don't know).
Just wanted you to know we've been thinking about you and praying for you. Hang in there!
Elizabeth & Jason
Did they at least make you more attractive during the surgery?
So... if I go into the hospital and tell them I want some 3D pictures of my skull, they can do that? Way cool.
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