Saturday, January 1, 2011

Playdate and Warmer Weather

We had some friends over for a playdate on Thursday.  Almost 11-month old Eden came,
as did 8-month old Lucy.
This is about as much as the kids played "together."
We were happy to have some little girls in the house!

After they left, I set the timer on the camera and took some pictures with my two boys!

Then, since it was an unusually warm December day, we went for a walk/bike ride.  I was happy to be shooting outside again, where the light is so much better!

The boys were happy to be outside, too!

After a trip around the block, we went to the neighborhood elementary school to play on their playground.

I am usually very against climbing up the slides, but Patrick was having a lot of fun and no one else was at the playground.  He could only climb a foot or so before he slid back down.
I have been playing around with photoshop.  Fun!
Jack was taking food orders here.

Daddy called us on our way home.  We told him where we were and he came to meet us.

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