Today Jack turned SEVEN and Maggie turned two months.

It seems like the past seven years have flown, yet it is hard for me to remember my life without this cutie in it.
Maggie had her 2 month check up today and is doing well. She is currently 8 lbs, 2 oz. After some growth issues early on, I think we are doing well now.
She was not very excited about the 4 shots and 1 oral vaccine she received today.
After her shots, I fed her and put her back in her car seat. I had to wake her 5 hours later!
Daddy got home from work a little early!
I had told Jack he had to wait until after dinner to open presents, but since Dad came home early, he got to open some before baseball practice.
After dinner, we had cupcakes and ice cream. I didn't realize it, but I put trick candles in Jack's cupcake. He found them "frustrating" (his word).
Jack really does look older just in these last photos! And Maggie is really starting to grow! We cant wait to see you all!
What a great way to catch up on the Kelly's!!Love the pics of everyone growing up SO fast!! Miss you!
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