Maggie enjoyed spending some time outside last Fall.

My handsome 5 year old did, too!
We went to a nearby park for some Fall pictures one day after school.
After letting me take tons of pictures of them, the kids were rewarded with a trip to the playground. This girl LOVES to swing!
Patrick and Jack had fun jumping off the wall.
On Halloween, we went to Patrick's school for an adorable Halloween parade.
The preschoolers also entertained us with several songs.
In the afternoon, we saw Jack's class in the Halloween parade for the kindergarten through second graders. Jack was Mario.
They parade around and give everyone high fives.
Our trick-or-treaters:
Exactly SIX days after those beautiful Fall pictures from the park, we were able to get this picture in the backyard:
In November, we went on our annual trip to some cabins in Illinois with three other families.
Our family likes to hike at a nearby park.
Batman joined us on the hike.
Maggie rode in style.
This stump reminded us of "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss.
Maggie adores her Daddy!
Here are the kids at the cabin. They are all wearing the matching pjs that my friend Lauren and I made.
Maggie with her first ponytail:
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