In late July, the kids and I went to Wisconsin for a week. I dropped all four kids at my good friend Sue's house outside of Milwaukee and then I drove 2 hours to my cousin's wedding outside of Madison. Sue kept my kids overnight and I had a blast with my cousins. A highlight of the ceremony was when my cousin Jim, the bride's brother and also the officiant, took a selfie with the bride and groom.
It was a gorgeous setting for the wedding!
These are the cousins that made it to the wedding. It is not even a third of us!

The morning after the wedding, my mom drove with me to pick up the kids at Sue's house and then to drive up to my brother and sister-in-law's house. The following morning we drove up north to their cabin. The kids had so much fun at the cabin!
There was paddle-boarding and canoeing.
Paddle-boating was also popular.
The moms could often be found sitting on the dock watching the boys in the water.
Maggie was not so sure about the life vest.
She did like kayaking, though.
There was even a fun zipline into the water!
Some afternoons we cooked our lunch over a campfire.
Charlie loved every minute with his brothers and cousins!
All six boys on one paddle-boat.
Before coming home, we spent one night back at Patrick and Ingrid's house. Ryan, Adam, and Lukas gave our boys their beds and pitched a tent in the backyard for themselves. Patrick enjoyed a little frisbee golf in the backyard.
Charlie is such a happy guy!
He chased after Nana.
He got her!
This boy! He's getting so big! He's got one heck of a cowlick, too!
The boys were jumping off the swings. I love this face on Adam.
Synchronized swing jumping!