The final stop on our epic summer trip was Custer State Park in South Dakota. We camped two nights there. Our campsite was nestled in the woods near a stream and some bluffs.

We saw much wildlife in the park, but we were blown away by the bison.
We attended a kids' talk and the kids got to hold a snake.
We explored the park.
Our car went through this "Needle's Eye." It's a good thing we didn't have a camel with us.
Our motley hiking crew:
We saw some cool sights on our hike.
We found a lake in which to swim. It was NOT warm water!
We got to roast s'mores on the campfire! Open fires were not allowed at the campsites in the Badlands, so we were all excited to get our roasted marshmallow fix.
We stopped in Kansas City on our way home and ate at Fritz's Railroad Restaurant. We had heard about it, but never had the opportunity to go before. You call in your order on the phone behind Jim and then a train drives along the tracks overhead and lowers down your meal.
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