In early October, Jim and I both had reunion weekends. Jim celebrated the 100 year reunion of the ND glee club and I celebrated my 20th high school reunion. Jim was slightly more dressed up for his!

On Sunday, my friend Kelly and her husband hosted several of us and our families. It was fun to catch up and have our little ones play together.
I am wearing the Powder Puff Football shirt from our freshmen year!
Joe is an honorary member of our all-girl high school class.
These four are all within two months of each other! They are all currently enjoying kindergarten.
Charlie was laughing and trying not to let me take his picture.
Got it!
He's probably wondering when I am going to put down my camera and finally push him in the swing!
My mom made matching Cardinals pj pants for the kids. They are adorable (Maggie's has a ruffle on her butt)! They wore them to a playoff party at my friend's house.
These are the cookies I made for the party.
Go Cards!
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