Monday, January 28, 2019

March 2018

Here are the rest of the pictures from March 2018 (not including the Arizona and Florida pictures already posted). The first picture is from meeting the kids at a basketball game when we returned from our trip to Arizona.  We missed this crew!
Maggie celebrated St. Patrick's Day in this darling dress that Nana made.  It pairs well with the pink cowgirl boots from Aunt Helen in Texas!
Maggie also wore this shamrock dress that was mine when I was her age!
Jim, Maggie, and I made a day trip to Ste. Genevieve with his parents one day when Maggie was off school.

We explored the town and had lunch before we had to get back to get the boys from school.
Jim and his band provided musical entertainment at our parish fish fry.
This girl loves to dance to Daddy's music!
These girls ruled the dance floor!
Afterwards, the wives of the band got together.
The next day, Jim's mom joined us on a trip to Iowa to visit Jim's Uncle Mike.  Cards were played.
Scrabble was played.
The traditional family photo overlooking the Mississippi.

Jim's mom with her brother.
We have a tradition that we get donuts on the morning of your birthday.  And half birthday.  And other times when donuts sound good.  This was taken on the morning of Jack's birthday.
We celebrated his birthday with a cookie cake.

Later, we had the family over to celebrate.
We painted Easter eggs on Good Friday.
We made a quick 2-day trip to central Illinois to visit college friends and their families before Easter.
It was really muddy and the kids had a blast getting messy. 
Lots of games of spoons were played.

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