September started off well with a free Saturday morning. We decided to take the kids to the riverfront and go on a bike ride. We happened upon a graffiti contest.

It was a fun way to explore the new Arch grounds.
We saw some neat buildings and structures.
That evening, we had friends over to watch the Notre Dame football game outside. The kids raised Maggie for push-ups after ND scored.
On Sunday we visited a new firehouse.
I got to celebrate my cousin's 40th birthday!
Charlie turned 7.
He celebrated with the boys from his class after school. They had a Nerf gun party.
He chose Steak n Shake for his birthday dinner.
I could not believe that Jack was able to get the quarter out of the Aldi cart!
It's so fun to hang with cousins!
Jack played soccer in the fall.
He also played volleyball. This game was the same day as the above soccer game.
We had the family over to celebrate Charlie's birthday one weekend. Charlie wanted a Green Lantern cake.
The Hot Wheels set from Grandma and Grandpa was a hit with everyone!
I enjoy my one-on-one time with this preschooler.
Maggie helped me make Sicilian spinach pie.
I got my camera out one afternoon/evening and took lots of pictures of any kids who were around.
Patrick loves to play football.
The kids weren't the only ones making goofy faces for the camera.
Maggie and I are able to go to lots of parks on her days off.
Patrick had an MRI for a research study. He did great!
Meara turned ONE!
Maggie got to ride a pony at a parish festival.
She also got her face painted. Jim also played music at the festival, but I somehow didn't get any pictures of that.
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