At the beginning of October, we took advantage of a vacation day for Jim and Maggie's half day to celebrate our Godson's anniversary of his Baptism. We took the kids to lunch and then to the Magic House for a fun afternoon.

A stop for ice cream was a must!
We lucked out with a beautiful weekend for a trip to Notre Dame!
We rented a house with another family. On Saturday, we tailgated before the game and explored campus.
Football was played.
Touchdown Jesus
The kids made some signs for the game.
Cornhole + a grill = great tailgating
Jack fit right in on campus on the Lime Scooter.
Even Maggie had a turn with her Daddy.
Jim took the older 3 to the game. I went back to the house with Maggie and A and the youngest kiddo in the other family. I put the two younger ones down for a nap and Maggie and I snuggled on the couch watching movies. It was perfect!
When everyone else got back from the game, we hung out some more.
The next day we explored campus some more after mass.
Jack's buddy invited him to an NLCS game. They had awesome seats with unlimited food (good food - pulled pork nachos, gooey butter cake, etc) and drinks! Unfortunately, the Cards didn't win.
While Jack was at the game, most of the rest of us were at the Jambeque. It's was a little chilly, but otherwise a great day.
Maggie wore the Halloween dress Nana made for her (Maggie chose the fabric)!
Jim's sister came in from Milwaukee for the party.
After the game, Jack came to the party and played Riptide on the ukulele with Jim.
One afternoon in October, I took the girls to the Magic House.
On a morning run, we got mooned!
We went to Pumpkinland on Patrick's birthday again this year.
After Pumpkinland, we went to the Ferguson Brewhouse for dinner, per tradition. Then we came home for cake and presents.
On a day off school, I took the kids to Don Robinson State Park with a friend for a hike.
We may have gotten a little lost, but everyone survived.
Trunk or Treat is a favorite night for some of our kids. Charlie enjoyed it with some of his buddies.
Maggie and her buddy were both witches!
On Halloween, the school has a Halloween parade and some of the classes sing songs. Due to the weather, they had to have it inside this year. Charlie and Maggie got to dress out, but the older boys did not.
Maggie with her 8th grade angel Paige.
Jack paraded with his preschool buddy.
Charlie's class entertained us with a song.
I helped with Patrick's class's party.
That night the crew was ready to brave the cold for candy!
Jack carved this Minecraft pumpkin himself.
Charlie carved this pumpkin all by himself!