Saturday, February 15, 2020

September 2019

September started off with a Cardinals game!  Jim and Jack were in West Virginia for Labor Day weekend so I took the other 4 kids to see a day game.
Our section was given fun, yellow sunglasses. 
Patrick was on the jumbotron showing his muscles for the "Flexcam."
Jim and I decided that when each of our kids is 12 years old, one of us will take him or her on a trip.  Jack turned 12 in March.  Jim and Jack decided to go whitewater rafting in West Virginia.  They packed their stuff, including mountain bikes, and left for 3 nights.
[This will hereafter be narrated by Jack] This is where we slept. They had already set up our tent when we got there.
On Sunday, we went ziplining.

 The view was terrific!

 Here we are at the New River Gorge Bridge, the largest arch bridge in the western hemisphere!
There was a Cars and Guitars festival similar to that in Kirkwood. (It wasn't called that, but I forgot it's name)
 We went on a mountain bike trail, and came to this beautiful view.
Here's the highlight of the trip- rafting!

I had a blast. We stopped many times, including (but not limited to) jumping off a huge rock and to have lunch.
 [Mom will now continue to narrate the rest]
 While Jim and Jack were away, we played.

We went to the pool for the last time.  It was fun to play with friends and neighbors.
There is a Duck Dive on the last day of the summer.  The kids line up and jump in to get a duck that they can turn in for a prize.
Maggie and her school friend got cold treats in exchange for their ducks.
While I was in a workout class at the Y one morning, I heard that the Stanley Cup was at a house a few doors away.  After class, several of us walked down to the house in time to see Pat Maroon carry the Stanley Cup from the house.

Maggie goes half day to kindergarten on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Nana and Papa invited us to go to an afternoon Cardinals game with them on a Thursday.  I picked Maggie up from school and we met them at the stadium.  It was such a fun (and hot) afternoon!
Per tradition, we went out for donuts on Charlie's birthday morning. 
That evening, we had the family over to celebrate.

Eight is great!

Jim and I were excited to have a date night in early September.  We went out for tacos and then went to a garage party at my aunt's house.
Jim played some music at the garage party.  I sang one song with him.
Maggie tried field hockey with some friends this Fall.  I think she liked the pink mouth guard!
One Friday evening, we went to a SLU soccer game.

Future Billiken cheerleader?

Someone short took this picture of the adults at the game.
Maggie went to a dance birthday party for a friend.  She had fun!
I LOVE this dress Nana made for Maggie!
For her birthday, Maggie got a gift certificate to Build-a-Bear.  We finally got around to redeeming it on one of her half days. 
Meet Fluffy!
Maggie got to play goalie in a soccer game.
Jim and I went to a work event at Top Golf one evening.  It was fun!
Patrick played mostly defense in soccer this year.

Maggie enjoyed kindergarten soccer this year.

The annual Bratfest celebration was lots of fun!
Pony rides with friends are always fun.

Jim played music with Paul and Jeff.  It was a fun evening!

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