Saturday, April 17, 2021

January 2021

Happy New Year!  Maggie wore her Christmas dress (made by Nana) and a crown to welcome in 2021.
Mags always wants to help in the kitchen.
Jim's mom celebrated a big birthday. Jim and his siblings organized a surprise birthday parade. Here is part of the crew as they gathered before the parade.
We did a zoom birthday party on the night of her birthday. We each had a cake and candles to add up to her age.

Love my snuggles!
I have enjoyed making fun fireside drinks this winter.
While the kids were in school, my friend Shanna and I went for a trail run. It turned into a trail walk because it was so muddy.
We took the kids to Union Station one night to see the Beatles light show in the Grand Hall.  It was really neat!

Four little monkeys in the bed...
Being silly with my littlest:
Maggie likes to play lots of instruments.
Jim and I enjoy walks with his parents.
Jim and the kids were off for MLK Day. We met friends for a hike at Klondike Park. It was pretty muddy.

The Saturday before Maggie's birthday we celebrated with friends. I made number 7 cookies to hand out at a birthday parade (which was a surprise to her).
Maggie wore the dress Nana made her with a birthday sash. My cousin Colleen embroidered her monogram.

Handing out cookies at the parade:
Then, Patrick organized a family chess tournament.
Patrick won the tournament. Jack quit after 2 games and forfeited his remaining 3 games. He still finished ahead of me.
That afternoon, Maggie had a zoom birthday party with the girls in her Girl Scout troop.  Our friend Joe Fingerhut lead the zoom party.

Weeks before her birthday, Maggie picked out a cake from the Half Baked Harvest Cookbook.  It is called Peanut Butter-Dipped Cookies-and-Cream Cake.  It was huge. This was before I put the Nutella frosting on the outside.
It certainly doesn't look as good as the picture in the cookbook.
The cake was HUGE and Maggie was excited. Then, she decided she didn't like it.  Oh well. The rest of us liked it.


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