Saturday, January 1, 2022

June 2021

We came back from Michigan in early June in time for Jim's band's big gig at the new City Foundry.
It was such a fun day!
I got a pod with some friends for the show.
Wives of rock stars:

Patrick and his friend went to a chess camp one week. After dropping them off one day, Charlie, Maggie, and I went to the zoo.

They made some new friends.
Future Jr. Bill?
Some ladies from my volleyball team came over one night for drinks on our patio to celebrate a teammate's big birthday. Said teammate didn't show. We celebrated anyway.
I got a picture of Patrick and his friend after the chess camp. Future Jr. Bills?
Maggie was excited to get her cast off!
We love to swim!
Charlie and Patrick played baseball. Maggie's softball season was cut short by her cast. Here are some pictures from one of Charlie's games.

Jim helped coach when he could.

Later that evening, we went to one of Patrick's games.
Patrick likes to pitch and he's pretty good!

We found some cheap Cardinals tickets and went to a day game with friends.
Maggie was styling in her Nana-original Cardinals dress.

These guys paid for the supplies and set up a lemonade stand. The umbrellas provided some much-needed shade from the hot sun.
We went to Shawnee National Forest to camp with friends over Father's Day weekend.  Some of us enjoyed a hike through the dense woods.
We enjoyed some music around the campfire.

On Father's Day we hiked the Little Grand Canyon Trail. I loved it! I would definitely go back to hike it again.

It was beautiful!

Maggie got a little help from her Daddy.

Unintentionally wearing matching shirts! 
We picked more raspberries this year than in any previous year. We filled many bowls.
Jim's sister came to visit.
Jim's parents sang a sweet song to Karen.

I don't remember the particulars of this photo. I was on my way to an event that Jim's band was playing and Jack and I got a quick picture. I know it's blurry, but it made me smile.  He must have had summer school that day because he is wearing his typical summer school attire - collared shirt and sport shorts.  
Jim's band playing at Jim's alma mater.
We lost power one afternoon. There was no storm, but a huge tree fell across the road.
Jim's band played at the pool one night.
It was rainy and yucky out, but that didn't stop the fun.
Another Patrick-inspired chess tournament.
This was going to be the year for Maggie to join the swim team. She started in 2019, but then it was too much. We planned for her to join in 2020, but then the pool didn't even open. So, this was the year. And then she fell out of a tree and was in a cast. Maybe next year?  Charlie and Patrick represented the Kellys on the swim team this year.

We went to the Cardinals game one evening.

Cutest bow in the stadium.

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