Summer is only halfway over and I am finally posting end of Kindergarten pictures. I think that means I am catching up! ;) Jack had a wonderful Kindergarten year. We were very pleased with his school and teachers. Here he is standing at the door before his last day of school.

First day of kindergarten on the left, last day on the right:

The 2013 graduating Kindergarten class:

The "gown" is actually one of Jim's shirts, worn backwards.
The eighth grade angels walked the kindergarteners into the church. We love Jack's angel!
Jack receiving his diploma from Father:
At the end of the ceremony, the class sang a song they had prepared.
We went to the gym where they sang a few more songs and we enjoyed refreshments.
Jack with his teacher:

Jack with his eighth grade angel:
Jack is lucky to attend the same school his grandfather (Jim's dad), grandmother (Molly's mom), dad, aunt, uncle, and several great aunts and great uncles attended.
love the shirt idea... and those BOWS!!!! Way to go, Jack!!
WOW. Lovely celebration of kindergarten, and a very handsome family. Since I'm just about to become a kindergarten mom for the first time, will you be my mentor? ;)
Oh, and I cannot believe the difference in Jack from the first day of school to last day of school picture!!
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