Saturday, June 8, 2019

July 2018

Our July started out a little rough.  On the 4th of July we took a little family bike ride.  Maggie ended up going a little too fast down and hill and couldn't stop herself.  She busted her chin pretty good.  Our neighbor who is a pediatrician glued it.
The very next day, this happened to Charlie's finger and we ended up at urgent care.
The month got better after that. We explored a new exhibit at the Science Center.

None of these guys got arrested.
But they all got to sit in a police car.
Maggie hanging with her Godmother before she left for college.
Some friends came to visit and we had frozen custard from our favorite place.
We enjoyed an evening swim with friends.
The diving board was fun for Charlie...
 ...and Maggie!
I had a mini reunion with the girls I ran with in June.
 The kids had fun with friends at VBS.
These three participated in the conference meet for swim team.

Jack left for a week-long Boy Scout camp in mid-July. We went out for donuts to bid him farewell.

Maggie is holding one of the huge zucchinis found in our garden.
We got to swim at a friend's pool.

We met up with friends at a local playground with a splash pad.
In mid-July we were placed with our first foster child, A. 
Lots of time was spent outdoors.

My cookie-making helpers:

We took A on a hike at one of our favorite places.
Patrick's hair was crazy after the hike.
We love ice cream!
A morning walk in the neighborhood with my fashionista:
Maggie and A dressed as Darth Vader:
Some friends came into town and we went to Grant's Farm. 

We had fun playing with glow sticks one evening.

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