Thursday, July 2, 2020

April 2020

We quickly learned to use zoom and google meet. The kids "met" with their classes online, had online playdates, and the adults also had online happy hours.
On our 15 year anniversary, we went for a walk with these 4 cuties.
We had planned to celebrate in Hawaii alone, but were happy to spend it with these guys instead. 
One of Charlie's assignments was to make encouraging signs and hang them up in the neighborhood. This is one of his signs that is still hanging in the window of the neighborhood market.
I enjoyed listening to Maggie read (and figure out) jokes from an Easter joke book one evening. Here's a sample:
Jim and his band were planning to play at our parish spring festival. Obviously, the festival was cancelled, but the band wanted to find a way to play.  So, Jim spent hours putting a video together.  I filmed him playing on our roof for part of the video.  You can watch the video here.
The moon as seen from the roof.

We've seen this little guy around in our yard a few times this spring.

Easter was a little different this year.  We still got dressed up and hunted for eggs.
Instead of going to church, we watched Easter Mass on the t.v. in the den.

Maggie and I wore the dresses my mom made.
For Easter, the kids got a Harry Potter invisibility cloak. They have had lots of fun making movies with it.  Check out two of them:

Due to social distancing guidelines, there were long lines to get into stores and masks were required.
We finally got out this ice cream maker that Aunt Sue gave us years ago.  You fill the tube in the center of the ball with the ingredients and fill the surrounding area with ice and salt. Then, you play with the ball for 20 minutes.  The ice cream was pretty tasty!
After about a month of not going in a vehicle, we took the kids to the Hamburg Trail for a family bike ride.
Maggie took a spill, so I turned back with her and the boys continued a little further.
After riding bikes, we visited the site where radioactive waste is buried.  You can read about it here: 

 There were many steps to get to the top of the mound.
Three cheers for s'mores on the patio!
Patrick is talented with the Etch A Sketch!
When the weather was nice, we could take our schoolwork outside.

I made these cookies for our neighbors who are doctors.

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