Tuesday, June 30, 2020

March 2020

March started out normal and ended anything but normal.  Charlie enjoyed playing basketball with friends.

We got out for bike rides when the weather was nice.
Donuts are always a delicious treat!
We met friends for a hike.

I made lots of pi cookies for Pi Day!
In January, I took over the Algebra class at my kids' school.  It was fun to celebrate Pi Day in the classroom again!
We celebrated at home, too.
Chicken Pot Pi for dinner.
We were supposed to go to Florida for spring break. We had plans to see a spring training game, visit friends, and watch a rocket launch.  But, that was just as the coronavirus was increasing in the US, so we canceled our plans. Jim had the week off, so we did some local stuff.  We rented a cabin at Johnson's Shut-Ins.  We stopped at Elephant Rocks State Park on the way.

They are so strong!

Look, Mom! No hands!

I would like to tell you that we really enjoyed playing this game as a family, but the truth is I had to beg the kids to play with us.
We have been doing a lot of baking.  Charlie made some green Rice Krispie Treats for St. Patrick's Day.
Due to Covid-19, St. Patrick's Day parades and celebrations were canceled. The kids made their own parade.

We started going on lots of walks.
One day we drove to Forest Park for a change of scenery for our daily walk.  We walked by the Jewel Box and the employee let us in briefly (despite it being minutes from closing time).
We have a competitive family.
The kids got more practice on the roller blades they got for Christmas.

Jim even got his old blades out!
Patrick is multi-talented. Roller blading and basketball:

Legos have taken over the dining room.
It was not too warm out, but the kids wanted to play with water.  There's not much else to do during quarantine, so ok.
Jack turned 13!  Grandma and Grandpa walked up to give him a card.
Jack asked for chicken pot pie for his birthday dinner.

He's rad, he's keen, he's 13!
The boys love to climb this tree in our neighborhood.
We have lots of socially distant visit with grandparents.
At the end of March, Jim and I were supposed to go to Kauai for a week.  Instead, we got to hang out at home together (with 4 kids).  It was still fun.

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