Wednesday, July 5, 2023

October 2022

At the beginning of October, Jim's band played at a local church's festival.
Kitty and Keith were still in town and got to hear them play.
I co-hosted a middle school moms brunch with these lovely ladies.
We made a stop for frozen custard after a volleyball game.
After school shenanigans on the street:

Jack came with us to one of Maggie's volleyball games. He was hungry so we stopped at Trader Joe's on the way. Less than a year after this picture was taken, Jack became an employee at the store!
The fall Cub Scout campout was a success!

Charlie did a reading at mass.
So many campers!
Aunt Helen came in for a visit!

Cousin time!

Patrick was on the team for the Academic Tournament of Champions.

Maggie's girl scout troop went to the pumpkin patch.
Jambeque 2023 was a success!  We had great weather and a fabulous venue!

Jack and I went to the Mother-Son Mass and Brunch at his school.
On Patrick's 13th birthday, his best bud brought him lunch to school.
Cookie cake for dessert that night.

We had the family over to celebrate. I wrote He's rad, he's keen, he's thirteen on his cake. Aunt Sue put it on my cake when I turned 13.

Jack had an awesome year diving! It was so fun to watch him.

After volunteering at a soup kitchen one morning, Jack and I grabbed lunch at IKEA. 
After lunch, we picked up some treats from a local bakery, and walked around Tower Grove Park.
I brought Jack to this pop jet fountain many times when he was little.
Trunk or Treat at school:

Jack took 3rd place in diving at the conference meet!!!
Jim's friend Robert was there with his girls.
Jim was working, so I went to a Halloween party on my own. There were lots of good costumes.
Maggie's teacher came to her volleyball game!
Patrick and the music teacher were both dressed as pirates for the Halloween parade.
Maggie's class:
I helped with Maggie's class Halloween party.
Maggie was a big help making jack-o-lanterns this year.
Happy Halloween from two cute kittens.
These guys are pretty cute, too.

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