Tuesday, January 2, 2024

April 2023

Jim's band played a fish fry at the beginning of April.
Maggie and her friend had a blast dancing!
Jim and I went to CASHBAH.
Jack worked the event.
High school classmates:

Fun times seeing good friends!

Maggie played field hockey this spring.  Our neighbor played in a different age division, but it was fun to see her at games!
Some of the girl squad from our street:
Jim and I enjoyed a night out.
On a day off school, I took the kids to the Science Center.  We spent some time in the game exhibit.
Patrick quickly beat me at chess.
Charlie won mindball. 
Super Mario Bros. was a team effort.
I took this picture right after they completed the Arch. You can see that it started to fall as I was taking the picture.
The kids got to try the flight simulators.

Maggie helped decorate Easter cookies.
On Good Friday, my cousin John married Sara.
Colleen and I got a picture with our first Godson, Mark.
The wedding was at Tower Grove Park. There was an amazing sunset that evening.
We brought the Easter cookies with us to Milwaukee for the weekend.

Jim and his siblings performed at a bar with Return of the Strings.
My friends Sue and Kati came to see them play.

Connie was in Milwaukee so we got to hang out. Her niece is in Return of the Strings.

A short clip of the Kelly siblings harmonizing:
Patrick won this captain's hat!
It was a sunny Easter morning. We took a squinty picture before church. 
After church, we went downtown to tailgate before the Brewers-Cardinals game.
Charlie loved hanging with Sully!

Go Cards!
After the game, we enjoyed the nice weather on Karen and Lenny's patio.
Meeting Sully was definitely a highlight of the weekend!
Patrick went on a tour of SLUH with Jim and me.
I went back to Wisconsin with my parents for my nephew's Confirmation. Patrick and Ingrid gave us a tour of their new business space.
Patrick helped Adam get ready for Confirmation.
So handsome!

I was honored to be the Confirmation sponsor for my Godson.
We got to celebrate Lukas's 15th birthday with him after the Confirmation!
I love walking home from school when the days get warmer.
Jack was Kenickie in Ursuline's production of Grease!  His grade school friends came to see it.
Spring Festival!!!

Jim's band entertained the Spring Festival crowd.  It was pretty chilly!

Patrick and I rode the big slide.
Jim tried to stay warm on stage.

We went back to see the show a second time.  So good!
Here is the group of fans at Sunday's performance.
Jim and I went to SLUH for Jack's NHS induction.
We are so proud of him!

He wore a tie that Maggie gave him for Christmas!

On a beautiful day at the end of April, I took my students outside to do math problems on the parking lot.
Jim and I went to our Godson, Grant's, First Communion.

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