Wednesday, November 27, 2019

June 2019

June started off with the KT82, a race where teams of six runners run 18 legs (3 legs per person) that total 82 miles, most of it on the Katy Trail.  Due to flooding, the race was moved to the campus of SIUE.  My team consisted of the five of us below (we all went to high school together) and the sister of two the girls. Members of our team came in from Scottsdale, Denver, and Milwaukee for the race.

We ran into someone with whom we ran cross country in high school.
Grant's Warriors:
The weekend celebration continued with a Cardinals game and dinner with high school friends.
I walked into the den one day to find 3 kids quietly reading.
Charlie played baseball.

We went to the Cars and Guitars festival and the kids got to sit on a police motorcycle.

I took the kids downtown to see the flooding. That's a parking garage on the left.
You can see treetops peeking out of the water at the bottom of this picture:

Friends came over to watch the final game of the Stanley Cup Finals. When the Blues won, the kids ran around banging pots and pans and shouting!
On a cool June day we went to Laumeier Sculpture Park to hike with friends.

Jack played baseball:

We went downtown for the Stanley Cup Champions parade.  Friends got there really early and saved us a close spot.  I'm not sure what Maggie was so upset about, but this picture cracks me up.

Some of the kids were able to get autographs!
Charlie and Maggie had good seats!
A side-by-side of the 2011 Cardinals World Series Parade and the 2019 Blues Stanley Cup Parade. We tried to recreate the original picture with all the additional people.
We had a babysitter that evening because Jim's band was playing at an adults-only night at the pool.  The forecast called for storms so the show was canceled.  Since we already had a sitter, we decided to go out.  We saw some live music and had dinner.
Then we stopped by a party for Jim's friend's sister. There was live music there as well.
In mid-June we went to southern Wisconsin for a week with Jim's family.  It was a great week of family time and lots of time outdoors.
We found a good hike near the house.

The highlight was the boat!

Patrick and Charlie were anxiously waiting their turn on the tube.

The house had a big deck that looked out on the lake.
On the other side of the house was a swingset.

We took an adults-only boat ride one afternoon.

I love these people!

The kids would stay on the boat all day if we let them.
I tried knee boarding.
This made me laugh. Maggie was fixing Aunt Margaret's hair and A was fixing Maggie's hair.  Efficient.
We went to Lake Geneva one day.

The original five.
Lots of good music was played.

The view from the deck:

We took a little train ride one day.
One evening we went to Miller Park for a Brewers game. Maggie is giving it a thumbs down.

When we came back home we jumped right back into baseball.  Patrick did a great job pitching this year!

A had eye surgery.  She did great and it was successful!
We took the kids to the City Museum for a fun time.  Charlie had just gotten his hair cut like Patrick's. Since they looked alike with matching haircuts, they decided to dress alike as well.
The rooftop is not a place for someone who is afraid of heights.

The boys and I crawled through some small tunnels.

At the end of June we celebrated Grandpa's upcoming birthday!
Bridget and Charlie:

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