Friday, November 22, 2019

May 2019

Maggie participated in the Mini Olympics event at the gym.  She was a little shy at first, but then warmed up.

She (and everyone else) medaled!  :)
On a walk one evening, we stopped and played a little baseball using a stick and a tennis ball.

I was able to go on part of Charlie's field trip to the zoo.
We were at a playground in early May and Patrick chipped his tooth. 
We were able to see the dentist the next day to get it fixed.
We took the kids to a Cardinals game one evening.

I got to accompany Maggie on her field trip.

Maggie enjoyed a fun dance party.
My friend Kathleen let me know that people named Patrick got a free scoop of ice cream at a local ice cream shop.  I told Patrick to get in the car and we drove right there.
Brother jam session:
Jim had a vacation day so he, Maggie, and I rode bikes to Grant's Farm.

Maggie and Daddy jamming!

We tried Shake Shack for my birthday dinner.

I had volleyball the night of my birthday.  One of my teammates has the same birthday, and another teammate had a birthday earlier in the week.  We celebrated with drinks and snacks during the game.  It was a lot of fun, but we didn't win all the games.
A visit from Aunt Sue!
Charlie asked me if I wanted a brownie. I said yes.  He brought me this brown e.
Maggie went to a friend's birthday party at Sweet n Sassy and got all dolled up!

We played with neighbors at the block party.
Maggie had her last day of preschool.
Charlie's class put on a play for the parents.
Charlie broke from his role to give me a look.

Maggie was proud of her big brother's performance.
Maggie had a teddy bear picnic with her preschool classmates.  Here she is with her teachers.
My friend Kathleen told me when people named Molly got a free scoop of ice cream. Unfortunately, by the time we got to the shop it was closed.
Last day of school for the boys!

The girls played while the boys had their last day of school.

Jack went swimming with friends after school on the last day and I took this crew to lunch and then to the pool.

Maggie played t-ball this spring. It was cute.
The diving board is always fun!
 Maggie and I in our coordinating dresses!

One evening Patrick had a baseball game.  Before the game started, I got a call from Jack that the house alarm was going off and he couldn't turn it off.  I told him how to turn it off, but it was still buzzing. I told him to bring Maggie and Charlie outside and wait for me in the driveway since the noise was bothering Maggie.  I said the police would probably come and to let them know I was on my way. The baseball field is not far from our house and by the time I got home the police hadn't yet come.  I went in the house to discover that it was an alarm clock going off, NOT the house alarm!  Once I settled the kids and went back to the baseball game, I found Patrick had been hit by the ball during warm-ups and broke his tooth again!  His lip was also busted.
Patrick was a trooper and chose to play despite the injury.

We had some fun pool time on the weekend.

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