Monday, June 15, 2020

January 2020

My parents were in Australia for all of January, and since they watch my niece a couple days each week I got to watch her some days that month.  It was so fun to spend time with the cutie!
Maggie joined a basketball team this year.  It was about what you would expect for kindergarten basketball.

Charlie and Patrick competed in the Pinewood Derby with Cub Scouts.

Patrick designed a Notre Dame car.
Charlie and some of the boys from his den:
Patrick and the boys from his den:
They each earned medals!

Charlie designed a United States car.

A trip to the library with Meara.
On one of Maggie's half days we met some of my former co-workers for lunch.
Maggie wanted to make a Pinewood Derby car, too. Jim helped her make one with pink wheels.
Maggie lost her first tooth shortly before turning six!  In the same week, Jack lost his last baby tooth.
She was so excited to go to sleep with the tooth under her pillow!
One night Patrick and I had a date at Culver's after his basketball game.
We took the kids to Galena, IL one weekend to go skiing.  We had a fun family dinner at Durty Gurts.

When we got to the ski resort in the morning, it was 3 degrees outside!  So cold!!!
All the kids did ski school in the morning while Jim and I skied together.  After lunch, Jack joined us and the others went back to ski school.

Patrick was too cold and called it quits early so Charlie joined Jim and me skiiing.  I made the mistake of starting him on a blue.  He wasn't quite ready for that. After we eventually made it down, we tried an easier hill and he did great!
Charlie on the easier hill:
Maggie joined Daisies and had her first meeting in January.
I had a helper making birthday cake.
Maggie had a basketball game on her birthday.  Her teammate's birthday was 2 days later. We brought a cookie cake to the game to celebrate their birthdays.
That evening we celebrated at home with family.

Jack participated in the Geo Bee at school and WON!!!  Later, he took another test and qualified to go to the State Geo Bee!  Spoiler got canceled due to COVID.  :(
At the end of January, Jack got braces on his top teeth.  Before:
On the last day of January, we drove to Milwaukee for the annual party at Jim's sister's house.

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