Wednesday, June 19, 2024

August 2023

August started with a family night at the ballpark.
We had some high school friends over for dinner.  Despite not really knowing each other, the kids all played together in the front yard.
I ran into a friend when our family stopped for some delicious frozen custard.
Family Fun Day!  This year our family fun day started with a trip to the Federal Reserve Bank for a private tour (including the vault) and a visit to the economy museum.

Then, we went to Slick City and had so much fun on the slides!
Patrick checks out the zipline.
All four could race each other!
Here is a video of some of the fun we had on the slides:
Jack was the first to go back to school.  First day of 11th grade and he wants to be a computer engineer when he grows up.

It was Patrick's last First Day of grade school.  First day of 8th grade and he wants to be an engineer when he grows up.

Maggie's first day of 4th grade and she wants to be a volleyball player when she grows up.

Charlie's first day of 6th grade (middle school!) and he wants to be a billionaire when he grows up.

Several of the new middle school boys.
Most of the new 4th grade girls.
All of the new 8th graders.  It's going to be an emotional year!
After the kids were all in school, all 8 of the ladies in my running group were able to meet for a run!  It is very rare for all of us to be available.
Maggie's friend didn't start back to school yet and met her after school.  
First day of school ice cream!  It's a great tradition. 
Two of my best friends from high school came in town.  Connie came in first and we went to a Cardinals game. 
Jim caught a ball!
We played some pickleball.  Connie hadn't played before, but bought her own paddles as soon as she went home.  
We co-hosted the 8th grade parent party with these fun ladies and their husbands.
Everyone enjoyed the karaoke.  We set up inside this year in order to reduce the likelihood of a visit from the police and a writeup in the local crime report.
Maggie and her friend wore matching dresses on picture day.  It was totally unplanned.
Every week I helped out in Maggie's Catechesis of the Good Shepherd class.  This week the priest blessed the Atrium.

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