Wednesday, July 10, 2024

September 2023

In early September, we provided respite for a couple foster kiddos. They were so well-behaved and it was fun to have little ones around.
Maggie and her friend dressed up the Star Wars characters.  Goofballs!
Jack and his friend explored making energy with potatoes.
We celebrated Charlie's 12th birthday with family.
He received a tortilla blanket from Uncle Michael and Auntie Kathleen.  I would expect nothing less than the cousins and siblings wrapping him up like a burrito in it!
On his actual birthday we celebrated again.  Charlie loved the Legos from Jack!
More Legos!

Jack was on the dive team for the third year.
Jim and I went out one Saturday evening and told the kids to go to 5pm Mass.  We assumed Jack would drive them, but he decided they should walk.  He also put on a coat and tie, which prompted the others to up their game. 
Patrick participated in cotillion with his class, and a couple other schools.

Maggie bridged to the next level of Girl Scouts.
My running group celebrated Ellen's birthday.
Charlie - looking handsome.
Jim and I went to a concert.  The Wood Brothers, Avett Brothers, and Turnpike Troubadours played.  Avett was my favorite.

We made a quick stop to see our favorite worker on the way home from a volleyball game.
Another night of cotillion. 
We made a visit to the Science Center.
My cousin Johnny visited from Houston. We went to a Cardinals game.
More diving.

I got to go to a day game with friends.
Jim's band played a rooftop concert.
Johnny got to see the band.  He was (clearly) very excited!

My youngest cousin got married.  The wedding was outside.  It was beautiful and everyone had a great time!  Jim and I stayed in a B&B because the wedding was over an hour away.

Two of my brothers came to the wedding, too!
The next day, Jim played at our parish festival.

Maggie's Girl Scout troop went on their first overnight campout and I went along.  While we didn't exactly "camp" I didn't complain about the air conditioned cabin.

Susie and I were glad to have survived the night!

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