Monday, June 10, 2024

July 2023

 July was full of sweet red, white, and blue homemade treats.

Lauren and Ryan hosted a fun gathering.
Patrick participated in a chess tournament at the St. Louis Chess Club and took first place!

We watched fireworks with neighbors.

Grandma was in the local parade!

I took the kids to Champaign to visit friends for the day.

So good to see these college buddies!
Maggie was the only one on the swim team this year.
Nana loves to come to the swim meets.  Patrick came to this one also.

This is how Charlie cheered on his sister at the meet. 

It's fun when your good friend and neighbor is on the opposing team.

We went on an epic trip north.  That will be the next blog entry.  When we returned, we visited the grandparents.  Here is Maggie playing with the chimes at Grandma's place.
"Stacks on!" at Nana's and Papa's.
Brownie-making with friends
Jack built a Little Lending Library for his Eagle Scout project.

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