Wednesday, July 24, 2024

December 2023

In early December, we made our annual trip to the Way of Lights. The Lego room did not disappoint.

We always admire this Lego picture.
We tried a new restaurant in Belleville after the lights.
I made these cute Advent cookies for my friends at Advent by Candlelight.
I was excited to use the Christmas china I got from Jim's aunt at our table.
One Saturday evening, Patrick served mass...
...and Maggie cantored with two friends.
Maggie looked darling in the Christmas dress Nana made.
I went to the Nutcracker on Ice with the Girl Scouts.
Jim and Patrick did a practice hike for Philmont.
Jack designed and built an adjustable coat hanger for one of his classes. Here is the unfinished product. 
Maggie is seen here doing what I would like to do most days - snuggle up in bed and read a book.
My running group had our annual Christmas dinner at The Block.
Patrick took this picture of himself and then made it the background on my phone.
Each year the fourth grade puts on an Advent concert in church. Jim and I got to see it, along with our moms.
The singers wore their Christmas best.

We are proud of this cutie.

It's fun to have both your grandmothers watch your performance. 
Despite the December cold, Jim, Patrick, and Charlie joined some other Boy Scouts for a camping and fishing trip.

Check out the size of that fish!
The boys helped with the cooking.
Charlie is the top chef with the fish.
While the boys were camping, I went on my annual shopping trip with my mom, aunt, and cousin. I had to send this picture to my Star Wars loving kids.
Margaritas taste extra good after a day of shopping.
A friend gave me a gift card to the Fox. I was able to use it for a show at the new Kirkwood Performing Arts Center. Jim and I took the kids to see Let It Be Christmas.  It was great!
I didn't take many pictures at our annual Christmas party.
Here is a picture of those left at the end of the night.  Fun times!
Maggie sang in the choir for the Christmas Eve Mass.  She puts her whole heart into it!
After mass, we went to my parents for the annual Christmas Eve dinner.
The St. Louis cousins:
These three are wearing Nana-made Christmas outfits.
Nana and Papa with the local grandchildren.
Lots of shenanigans in this picture.  Luckily, there was not a trip to the ER this Christmas Eve.
The calm before the storm: Christmas morning before the kids came downstairs.
We have the kids wait in the upstairs hallway until everyone is ready to go down together.

Patrick got a new bike!

Maggie is super excited about the flair pens!
Jack got a record player and some records.
We all wore our matching Christmas pajamas. 

We hosted brunch.  Here are the Kelly granddaughters. 
I can't remember what was so funny.

The many faces of Maggie:

Don't let the stickers distract you from seeing the tiny ponytail.
We had some nice weather in late December for a bike ride with neighborhood friends. 
Charlie loves his new calculator! 
Connie came in town and we were able to run together.
Grandma hosted the Kelly family Christmas dinner after allbody was in town.

Patrick's basketball team was in a tournament. Patrick was chosen to represent his team in the free throw contest. They had some really great games that were fun to watch.
We all went out to dinner at the restaurant where Mimi works.
On New Year's Eve, we went to a neighbor's for a bit, Jack had friends here, and I took Maggie to another gathering. Jim and I got a quick picture at the start of the night.
Fun with dry ice!
Some fireworks were set off at the party Maggie and I attended.
Jack had a great time with his friends.  Happy New Year!

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