Friday, July 19, 2024

October 2023

October was a busy month for Jim's live music. His band played at a Porch Fest, where different bands played on porches in a neighborhood. 
Patrick carried Maggie on his back as we walked around and listened to music on different porches.  Kelly's Heroes was (obviously) our favorite.
We had some go kart fun!

This girl enjoyed the ride!
Jim joined some friends on stage at a backyard party.
Jambeque 2023 was a huge success!  The weather was beautiful and the music was great!

Jim has wanted to stay at the haunted Lemp Mansion for quite some time, so we booked a night in October.  We were the only ones in the mansion for several hours.  It was a little strange, but fun.

We went out to dinner and then stopped at McGurks for a drink and some live Irish music.
It was awesome to get away for the night!
Jack had a few days off school and went on some college visits with Jim.  He ran into one of his best and oldest friends at the Purdue tour.
They also looked at Case Western and Rose-Hulman. 
While in Cleveland, they visited the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  I think Jim could have spent a few days here.

Meanwhile, back in St. Louis, I took Patrick and some other students to an academic competition. They did not win, but it was a good experience. 
Maggie often volunteers to play goalie in her soccer games.  
Cotillion wrapped up with a dinner and dance for all the kids.

On a gorgeous day, I took my class outside to work.
I got to spend a day at 6th grade camp.
We had beautiful weather for the outdoor activites.

Charlie helped make the shelter behind us.

This cute guy was crawling on another mom's knee.

The kids experienced lots of team-building activities. 

Fr. Craig said Mass outside for the 6th graders.
Happy 14th birthday, Patrick!

I love this family!
We all love the birthday boy!

Jack and I attended the Mother-Son Mass.  He did a great job with his reading.
More outdoor jamming at a friend's block party.
This girl is ready for Halloween!
In late October, we went to Notre Dame for a game weekend.  We picked up Reagan for lunch.  Patrick and Maggie almost tackled her when they saw her. They were so excited!

It was awesome to see Ryan, too! 
On Friday night, we went to a women's volleyball game. It was so fun to watch such talented athletes play!

Jim sang with the Glee Club.
On Saturday morning, we went to campus to tailgate. Unfortunately, I started to feel sick before the game and Jim drove me back to the rental house where I stayed in bed the remainder of the day.
Jim, the kids, my brother and his family, and my parents all went to the game.

It was Maggie's first ND football game.  So fun!
On Halloween, the 8th graders wear angel wings and escort their kindergarten buddies in the Halloween Parade.
The 6th graders escorted their preschool buddies.
After the parade, the 8th grade angels gathered for a picture. 
Maggie carved her own pumpkin for Halloween!  She did a great job.
Our new neighbors invited us over for chili before trick-or-treating.

Maggie wanted to be a panda for a long time. I held off ordering the costume, thinking she would change her mind.  She didn't.

Charlie was a bit scary this year.

The kids had fun!

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